ESBA News archive for ESBA News Items

  • ESBA’s ‘Payin7’ Campaign Gets Boost from EC and Slovenian Government

    David Caro, ESBA President, today welcomed support from both the European Commission and the government of Slovenia for ESBA̵...

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    May 5th, 2020

  • ESBA brings together Cybersecurity and SMEs experts in its first Webinar Series session

    On Monday 27th April, ESBA hosted the first edition of our new #ESBAwebinars series which was devoted to Cybersecurity and SMEs: A...

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    May 4th, 2020

  • ESBA welcomes the emergency response plan of the Eurogroup and its focus on SMEs

    The European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) warmly welcomes the decision of the Eurogroup to provide an emergency response plan of...

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    April 10th, 2020

  • Supporting SMEs in time of COVID

    2020 started off as the year where the European Union welcomed a new leadership and with it, a new long list of political ambition...

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    April 8th, 2020

  • A strategy for SMEs to become sustainable

    On the 10th of March 2020, the European Commission published the new SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, which aims...

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    March 11th, 2020

  • ESBA attends meeting with Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis

    On the 6th of March 2020, ahead of the publication of the upcoming Industrial and SME Strategies, the European Small Business Alli...

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    March 10th, 2020

  • The WEgate 2020 project officially kicks off

    On the 13th of February, the WEgate 2020 project officially kicked off. ESBA, together with its consortium partners Business Angel...

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    February 26th, 2020

  • ESBA: New Brand. New Direction

    On Wednesday, 22 January, at the Museum of Musical Instruments in Brussels,  the culmination of six month’s hard work by the ES...

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    February 13th, 2020

  • ESBA consortium wins contract to reinvigorate WEgate, the EC platform for women entrepreneurs

    Today the European Commission announced that the European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) won the contract to reinvigorate WEgate, ...

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    November 26th, 2019

  • Speech by ESBA President David Caro on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of UPEE on “Challenges to the development of EU Industrial Relations”

    On Thursday the 20th of November 2019, ESBA President David Caro gave a speech on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ESBA Mem...

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    November 22nd, 2019