Tuesday, October 18th, 2022
ESBA Board in Brussels
Our first ‘in person’ Board meeting was held on the 18th October 2022 in Brussels since before COVID. We set our 2023 objectives, which will include visiting our member organisations as part of 25th Anniversary programme next year, which will include Croatia and Gibraltar.
As the Project Lead for the womens entrepreeurs project, WEgate, a COSME funded programme, we reviewed the WEgate Summit held on the 17th October, Brussels in the EESC building. The day, attended by over 100 womens entrepreneurs, had some excellent conclusions and will be published in these columns soon
In the photo are, L-R are Lale Shener, Brussels Representative KTTO North Cyprus; David Caro ESBA President; Yawar Khan, ESBA Vice President and Asian Catering Federation UK; Roby Nathanson, LAHAV Israel; Evren Ercelik, KTTO North Cyprus; John Walker, ESBA Hon Treasurer and Hrvoje Bujas, ESBA Board member and Glas Poduzentnika, Croatia.
Further content will follow.