Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
ESBA at the German Elite SME Award 2019
ESBA travelled to Frankfurt on the 17th of October 2019 to attend the ceremony of the German Elite SME Award 2019 – a prestigious annual event co-organised by ESBA’s Member We Entrepreneurs (UMU). Taking place at the Deutsche Bank premises, this year’s award was presented to Tarek Al-Wazir, Minister of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing of the German State of Hessen, and Deputy Prime Minister of Hessen.
The event also featured laudatory speeches from prominent German business personalities such as Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann, Charmain of the Executive Board of Viessman Group; and Prof. Dr. h.c. Roland Berger.
ESBA was represented by by President David Caro; Board Member Johan Stigler (UMU); and Sally Low of LOW Associates Brussels.